There are many misconceptions about hemp and cannabis products so we would like to break it down for you.
Here we have the cannabis plant. It’s a very fast growing and hearty plant, growing to about 2-4 metres in height and reaching full maturity in roughly 18-32 weeks. Similar in many ways to bamboo, it’s a remarkably versatile and sustainable crop to grow.
Farmers and growers use different strains of the cannabis plant to produce three separate and distinct product groups:
Cannabidiol (CBD)
Hemp is the real multi-talented work horse. Hemp products come from the stalks, leaves and seeds of the cannabis plant. The stalks and leaves produce a strong fibre which is processed to create textiles, paper, rope, fuel, oil, building materials and animal feed.
Hemp seeds can be eaten raw, pressed to extract oil, or ground into products like flour and protein powders. The nourishing seed oil is often used in body lotions, facial creams, balms and scrubs.
Cannabis plants cultivated to produce industrial hemp contain very low levels of the psychoactive compound THC (less than 0.3%), which means that using hemp products will never get you high. Hemp is government approved in Australia and deemed completely safe for all the wonderful uses listed above.

Marijuana also comes from the cannabis plant but is grown specifically for recreational and medicinal purposes.
Cannabis strains grown for marijuana production are less fibrous and more resinous than their hemp counterparts. It’s the leaves and flowers that are primarily harvested for their high concentration (about 30%) of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) – that’s the psychoactive, mind-altering compound that produces the euphoric effect or “high”.
People may smoke or consume marijuana to experience this effect as a recreational activity, while others may use it medically to minimise symptoms of pain or illness. In Western Australia, marijuana for medical use may be prescribed by a licensed practitioner only. It still remains illegal for recreational use.
You may have heard the term “CBD” thrown around lately. CBD (or cannabidiol) is a therapeutic product extracted from the stems, leaves and flowers of the cannabis plant. It is non-psychoactive and does not produce a high for the user, but is an increasingly popular natural remedy for ailments and conditions such as pain, anxiety, depression, acne, seizures, muscular spasms, psychosis and cancer related symptoms.
Much of the confusion surrounding CBD is due to the fact that it can be produced from both the industrial cannabis (hemp) strains, or the marijuana producing strains. The main difference between the two versions however, is the ratio of THC to CBD. Industrial hemp derived CBD oil contains a high concentration of CBD but the THC levels remain at 0.3% or lower. The marijuana derived CBD will contain significantly more THC, ranging from 5 to 30%.
Different brands of CBD oils will contain different concentrations of THC, ranging from none at all (CBD isolate) to full-spectrum CBD oil (all naturally occurring levels of THC and other cannabinoids remain present).